XXVI St.Petersburg Summer Meeting in Mathematical Analysis

June 25-30, 2017          St. Petersburg, Russia

First Announcement

Second Announcement

Third Announcement


Visa Information



Program and Abstracts




The Euler Institute has a preliminary reservation at the Andersen hotel (twin rooms) and the Nauka budget hotel. Please indicate your wish to have one of these hotels booked for you at registration. Please confirm the dates of your stay as soon as your flight dates are determined by e-mail zaleska@pdmi.ras.ru

The Andersen hotel
Address: 4, Chapygina str., 197022, St.Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 7405140
Website: http://www.andersenhotel.ru/en
Breakfast is included. The prices for singles and doubles are in the range 6500-7200 rbl. Visa and Master cards are accepted.

The Nauka hotel
Address: 65, Engelsa pr., 194017, St.Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 2938455
Website: http://www.hotel-nauka.ru/korpus2/ (in Russian)
Low prices.

In the neighborhood of the Euler Institute there is a number of mini-hotels. They are up to 10-room-hotels occupying full floors of some apartment buildings. If you wish to stay in a mini-hotel listed below please book it directly or through our partner Ms. Zlata Gravshina (vgravshina@mail.ru).

Amber House
Address: 54/31 Kamennoostrovskiy pr., St.Petersburg, 191022 Russia
Phone: +7 8123474920
Website: http://amber-house.spb.ru/index_eng.html
The rates are from 3500 for a double room.

Nord Hotel
Address: 73-75 Kamennoostrovsky pr., St.Petersburg, 191022 Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 2343930
Website: http://www.hotelnord.spb.ru/en/home/
The rates are from 2700 for single room and from 4200 for a double.

Euler International Mathematical Institute